How does it work?

Keeping an accurate account of your existing inventory is imperative to running an efficient and profitable business. This is why inventory management is a great idea. With Veseris' state-of-the-art inventory management system, pest control companies can not only keep track of their inventory, but also manage the purchase and reorder process, directly from within the backend management console.

The Veseris Inventory Manager is built for business owners to manage their inventory in a very straight forward, easy to understand format. Set up your starting inventory, manage the receipt of new inventory during an inventory tracking period, and track outgoing sales. Once you recount your actual inventory, the Veseris Inventory Manager will then calculate waste loss variance, and waste loss percentages automatically, helping you manage shrinkage or loss.

Set up low-stock alert thresholds within the backend, and the Veseris Inventory Manager will automatically alert you once you have passed below a certain level to remind you to reorder. Furthermore, once it is time to reorder, you can easily generate purchase orders directly from within your management console. Store vendor contact information and link it to products, and then use that information to generate a purchase order. Once you've received the items in your orders, you can let the system know and it will update your inventory. Automatically.

Are there mobile apps?

Yes! Our mobile app works on Android and iOS, and it looks and works same as the website. You learn to use one, you can use all.

How can I learn more?

Just contact your Veseris Representative or fill in the form to contact us.

How can I delete my account?

Current "Veseris Inventory Manager" users can request that their user account be deleted by filling in the form here.